, pub-3973127691303297, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 français au lycée: tronc commun, 1ère/2ème A. bac, boîte à merveilles,: 03/28/22, pub-3973127691303297, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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lundi 28 mars 2022

Arguments for and against capital punishment

Written production: Arguing according to a 

concessive plan, the death penalty 

Topic :

There are many who, like Victor Hugo, argue that the death penalty should be abolished. Do you share this point of view? Develop your point of view in a well-argued piece of writing following a concession plan: (see concession procedures in the language activity).

✓The concession plan:

A. The thesis: it is the adversary's thesis: certainly, it is certain that, it is true that. 
B. The antithesis: the defended thesis: but, gold, however, however, on the other hand. ..
✓ Example: It is true that all criminals must be punished to bring about justice, but this punishment  should not go as far as the death penalty because this penalty because Imprisonment is so sufficient  to punish the guilty, in addition….=>For the example, I suppose that I share the same  point of view as Victor Hugo, that is to say that I am against the application of the death penalty. So: 
The thesis: is that of my adversary: ​​the death penalty must be applied. 
The antithesis: this is the thesis that I defend and which is opposed to that of my opponent: the  death penalty must be abolished.

✓The arguments:

1) For the death penalty:
• Criminals must be punished in order to bring about justice. 
• Every human being is responsible for his actions and must suffer the consequences. 
• The law must be fair and applicable to all criminals regardless of their social class. 
• Punish the culprits to set an example and deter potential criminals.
• The execution of criminals guarantees security within society and builds trust among its citizens. 
2) Against the death penalty:
• Imprisonment is sufficient to chastise (punish) a 
culprit, then justice should not punish but correct. 
• Judicial error proves that we can punish the innocent. What to do when it comes to the death penalty? Is it possible to restore the life of an innocent person wrongfully convicted? 
• The application of this sentence did not end the crime. On the contrary, the spectacle of the execution rejoices in the death of the condemned. 
• The execution of a human being is a barbaric act by which one also punishes his family, relatives and friends.
• Execution is a terrible act that sows disorder, fear and insecurity in society.

Written output:

                        In his thesis novel, Victor Hugo ardently defends the abolition of the death penalty by developing a rigorous argument through the forty-five chapters of his work. So, should we abolish this penalty or on the contrary apply it?

                        As far as I am concerned, even if I am convinced that any crime committed certainly deserves punishment in order to bring about justice, yet this punishment must be limited to imprisonment if the aim is really to correct the acts of criminals and not only to to punish. 

So why the death penalty? Why take the life of a human being without being the creator? In addition, it is true that the culprits must be punished to set an example and deter potential criminals, however, it is important to remember the uselessness of this barbaric punishment given the crime rate which is constantly increasing. in our country. 
Also, the spectacle of the death penalty, far from serving as an example, it is only an occasion for celebration and enjoyment for the citizens who amuse themselves with the death of the condemned. 
At last,it is certain that the law must be applicable to any criminal in order to guarantee security within society, however I wonder, in the event of a miscarriage of justice, whether it is possible to restore life to an innocent person sentenced to wrong ? Of course the death penalty is irreparable. On the other hand , thinking of the family of the condemned, what crime has she committed so that society punishes her by giving birth to widows and orphans? 

              In short , I surely share the point of view of the great committed writer Victor Hugo and I think it is time to act urgently in our country, in order to spread (propagate) peace and justice in our society. So let's stop this barbarity, let's stop this pain.

distance learning


 Distance learning

Written production topic

Subject: As part of the measures to contain the spread of the new coronavirus, a large number of schools have opted for distance education.

As a student, what do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of education ? Answer these two questions in a well-argued piece of writing.

        Among the consequences linked to the dizzying spread of Covid-19, we highlight the replacement of face-to-face teaching by distance teaching. So, in this sense, what can be said about the advantages of this teaching and what are these disadvantages ?

        There is no doubt that distance education has advantages as well as disadvantages. Let’s start with the positive points of this teaching :

First of all, this teaching is a real pledge in favor of learning that is not conditioned either by place or by time, hence a great freedom granted to the student who can study comfortably and according to his own rhythm without being forced to follow that of others.

Then, the absence of commitment such as face-to-face teaching is a good opportunity for some young people who can follow their lessons at home without worrying about the eyes of others.

However, this online teaching has several disadvantages such, on the one hand, the absence of commitment which weakens all interest, all responsibility and all motivation in the learner who does not take his lessons, his duties seriously as during the physical presence of the teacher and all those involved in the school  

On the other hand, the frequent use of means of communication such as computers, tablets or smartphones presents a real threat to the health of the student who may suffer in particular from visual fatigue, complications related to the spine or sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, distance education deprives the learner of the benefits of collective work as well as collaboration with other members of the class, hence the lack of interaction which gives way to solitude and seclusion. Without omitting the problems related to the use of communication techniques which can be subject to breakdowns and ruptures causing enormous moments of crisis and inconvenience to the learner who can easily be bored, distracted or even in certain cases drop out of class.

Finally, in the case of the absence or the fragility of the essential technical equipment for distance learning, it is certain that in this case we are so far from taking advantage of its advantages but on the contrary it is a question of ensuring the impossibility of setting up this type of education, especially in remote regions suffering from a fragile infrastructure.

        In short, distance education is far from obeying the establishment of quality learning that could replace face-to-face teaching, but only a means of ensuring educational continuity in the absence of other alternatives, especially when it comes to young learners in primary and preschool classes, hence the unavoidable and incomparable effectiveness of face-to-face teaching in comparison with face-to-face.

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